Things you need to know about Waterproof Laminate floor.

Things to know about laminated floor

There is a common misperception out there that laminate floor is waterproof, and I believe this is due to the fact that many customers mistakenly confuse vinyl and laminate flooring.

Laminate, is made out of recycled hardwood, so it is not waterproof. It has a tough finish which resists against scratches and may have protection against minor water (quick spills). But, laminate does not do well with standing water, or in areas with high humidity. If laminate floors become really wet, they can not be repaired. There are some laminates that claim to be “splash proof” (and they do still warn you not to leave any standing water on your laminate floor).

If you feel that laminate or hardwood is not a good option for an area due to water or humidity, an alternative and superior option is a waterproof luxury vinyl.

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