The reason why better aesthetics increase value

miami flooring installation wood

Some studies suggest the idea that home buyers might be willing to pay more for wood flooring. Yet, wood flooring’s assumed higher value is based on appeal and ease of selling the property and not actual dollar amounts.

Better Aesthetic = Value

Wood floors looks fantastic. Some realtors swear that wood flooring, provide intrinsic value to a home. The appeal is unquestionable.

But can wood flooring’s beauty translate to higher resale value? Not exactly, as home resale values are fickle. Yet, Some real estate agents indicate in studies that houses with hardwood flooring:

  • Are easier to sell (99% of agents say this);
  • Sell for more money (90% say this);
  • Sell faster (82% say this)

USA Today study found that 54% of potential home buyers would be willing to spend up to $2,080 more for wood flooring (on average).

The reliable Cost vs. Value Report from Remodeling Magazine does not break out hardwood flooring figures.


  1. No one really knows if wood flooring provides more monetary value to your home upon sale.
  2. Most of consulted think that hardwood provides higher resale value than other floors, though they cannot confirm this with figures.
  3. The appeal of wood floors in undeniable. Spaces will be a whole lot more attractive to a buyer.

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